Mary and Joseph did not understand what Jesus was saying, because they had not yet seen God’s heart. Their eyes were looking in the wrong place. Even after the miraculous visitations, sign, wonders, revelations of His birth, they did not understand.

Knowing God’s heart and God’s ways requires a further revelation, a daily revelation through divine inspiration. It is not something we learn, it is something we become. Over time we become like Him, we learn to know God. This happens from spending time listening to the Holy Spirit, seeking His ways, letting the great Comforter reveal the Father’s heart to us.

Get alone with the Creator of the universe, let Him reveal himself to you. He seeks to spend time with you, simply because He loves you! You don’t have to change, don’t have to learn ceremony, don’t have to be perfect nor even more clean. He seeks you, right now, just as you are.

You understand what God is saying to you when you keep your eyes on Him and only Him.

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