Which ministries today are refusing to acquire riches?

The mandate here is clear. Go, preach, work miracles, but do not charge for this, do not collect riches, rely on God each day to provide the daily bread.

If the man or woman of God does not walk by faith, how is their message of faith to be real? Jesus did not want these disciples to take resources with them. Don’t even plan it out! Jesus said to just go, now, today. Take nothing but the clothes on your back. No financial support, no study, no preparation, no map, no coordination, nothing. Just go and trust.

Is this foolish? How are we to live if we take nothing? Exactly! The messenger must live by his message! Therein lies the power, the impact. If every day you needed a miracle just to be able to eat, every day would become a faith building experience! Every day would further confirm and cement the rightness of your actions because “God blessed again today”.

There are three signs that we are following Gods plan for our life:

1. God blesses where we need it every day (not want, but need).

2. Satan attacks all that we do.

3. Peace inside makes the raging storms just so much noise with no hold over us.

By relying on God daily, we allow Him to build our faith daily and strengthen the reach of the message. Faith comes from not knowing where your next meal will come from, but never going hungry. Faith builds when every night there is a place to lay our head that we did not know of the day before. Daily miracles in the small things of life are POWERFUL. The less we worry about the small things in life, the more we focus on the God that provides all.

Does that mean we don’t work? Shall we wastefully spend what we receive? No… Of course not. In fact this scripture says “give!” Not take, not collect, but give freely. Whatever we have, we are to share. It is understanding that we have at our disposal all the riches of the universe, that makes us able to give our last to one in need.

One day we experienced this. Our family was shopping in a store one afternoon when an anonymous gentlemen walked up and handed an envelope to me, then disappeared. Inside was cash and a simple note of blessing. We could have easily spent it right then and there on ourselves, enjoying God’s blessing! But no, we didn’t. Something inside told me to hold it. So we did. That very evening, we visited a family member and right then an accident happened. An accident that would have been devastating to them if left uncompensated. But, the exact amount of money necessary to smooth things over was the amount in the envelope I carried. You see, it was not for us, it was for the family member who now needed it! So we passed the blessing to the rightful owner. In return we received an even greater blessing, to have been part of the plan, to have been entrusted by God to touch others. To know that we listened and obeyed properly. That is greater than any amount of cash.

The message here is clear. Go. Trust. Share. God will provide a way and build your faith daily if every day relies on Him.

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