UPDATE: This need has been met in full! Thank you!

There is a local soon-to-be-single dad who desperately needs help with his mortgage payment for June 1. UPDATE : the bank has granted a few more days grace to raise the rest of the money!


He is a committed dad of two kids going through a rough divorce. His soon to be ex-wife is refusing to use her income to help pay the mortgage even though they are both on the loan and title. His income has not been enough to solely support the kids and the bills, so he fell behind on the mortgage. The soon to be ex-wife then refused to proceed with the sale of the home. That leaves him in a pickle. The bank has offered to forgive the previous missed payment IF and only if he can make the next 3 months in full on time. By then he should be able to sell and find a place he can afford with his children.

I (Pastor Dave) have worked with this father for a while now and can personally vouch for his sincere heart. He is a believer and is working on correcting past mistakes while committing his future into the Lord’s hands. He is a good father and a decent man who has found himself in a very bad situation.

He is humbly asking for $1200 by June first to cover the next month.

UPDATED – The need has decreased to $900

UPDATE 2: The need has dropped to $800

Any help you can give is welcome and appreciated. We will make sure all monies donated to this cause get to the father in full.

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