UPDATE: This need has been met in full! Thank you!

There is a local lady, very sweet and appreciative and loves the Lord dearly, who desperately needs a ramp to her front door. She is mostly wheel chair bound and unable to navigate her own steps to the door of her home. This basically means she is trapped inside her own home. Although her heart is to visit (she absolutely loves people), attend church, fellowship and help others, even just a trip to the grocery store or dr, she is trapped simply becasue she can not leave her house with a huge effort.

We want to build her a simple but safe handicap ramp to her front porch, enabling her to join the world outside in person. Will you help?

Your donation will go to the necessary lumber and hardware to make this happen! Anything you can give is greatly appreciated! You can pay paypal, credit card, or stop by theCHURCH in person and drop off what you can to help.

(NOTE: the picture is not her house, just an example)

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