Below is a list of current topics and what our belief is about each one. We strive to be bible based, cemented on scripture regardless of the tide of current events or preferences. If you have any questions please feel free to ask for clarity.
(NOTE: This page is a work in progress. Please feel free to ask about any topics not here yet or not fully explained. )
The Bible is the inspired word of God. It is an instruction book for life. Everything we need to live successfully here on earth, and in heaven, is contained within it’s pages. Everything we do in life should align with the Bible. Even so, it is important to realize that the English Bible is translated from the original languages. As such there is an element of uncertainty inserted. Hence the multiple versions, all being slightly different. Some Bibles are translations, some paraphrase. And they can be based on a variety of original manuscripts. The “truth” is found not in any one translation, but requires careful reading, reconciling with other scriptures, and sometimes looking into the original languages. We believe that scripture always agrees with scriptures and no verse can stand alone. Truth is found in understanding the context, audience, customs of the people authoring as well as receiving the texts.
Jesus is Everything we Need
Mankind is horribly flawed and sinful by nature. There is no good thing within us. But all we need is Jesus to change our hearts, and the Holy Spirit to teach and comfort us. This covers every area of life. There is nothing that we can “fix” by ourselves, and nothing that can not be fixed by Jesus. No matter the question, He is the answer. Our life is a process of submitting to Jesus in all things, and giving Him full authority and control over every aspect and secret place. This means there is no need for man’s wisdom, and in fact it gets in the way of God’s plan. Success is found in submission to Jesus, not in our efforts.
Religion vs Christianity
- Religion is defined as man trying to become acceptable to God.
- Christianity is defined as God accepting man as he is and making him acceptable.
Religion always fails, because man can not fix himself. Christianity recognizes this and relies solely on Christ and His sacrifice to justify, then the work of the Holy Spirit to Sanctify
Spiritual Gifts
We firmly believe that the scriptures show spiritual gifts as presented in 1 Corinthians 12 have not ceased, but continue on today within the church. God is the author of the gifts, and thereby controls them, not man, and these gifts are given as God wills across the believers. These gifts are to be used solely to further the Gospel and build the Kingdom on Earth. There has been much abuse in this area, and we strive to keep this topic within balance and order according to the move of the Holy Spirit. As Paul points out in his letter to the Corinthian Church, spiritual gifts should be regularly exercised by the believers in the church, as long as everything is done in order according to the Holy Spirit.
There is only one truth. Our job is to find it, live in it, and stand on it. Truth is expressed in the scriptures, and must agree cover to cover. Contending for the truth is not arguing, it is debating with the purpose of establishing what truth is when confronted. We must be ready to do so when opportunity arises, respectfully and lovingly.
Baptism in water is a necessary ordinance that gives a public confession of a private choice. Water baptism is performed by immersion symbolizing the full death and burial of the old self, and resurrection of the new in Christ. Baptizing babies is more of a dedication, but at some point they will need to make their own choice and public statement through baptism.
Holy Spirit Baptism is separate from water baptism as explained in scripture. It can happen at the same time as water baptism, but is not automatic. Holy Spirit Baptism is when the fire of the Holy Ghost falls on and in a person previously baptized in water and committed to Christ. This step enables the believer to live a powerful victorious life by exercising the gifts of the same spirit.
Prosperity of the believer is internal. externally in this world we are promised suffering, persecution, and a live of servant-hood. The prosperity of scriptural promises are that no matter how bad things get, we will be at peace and content in Jesus. There is no absence of trouble for the believer, in fact we are assured of trouble in this life, but we will never suffer on the inside as long as we submit to Christ and the Holy Spirit comforter.
Good Vs Evil
The world is full of suffering, and many ask “WHY, why would a loving god create evil?” But is this a valid question? Evil itself is not a “thing”. It does not exist by itself. Evil is simply the absence of good, just like dark is the absence of light. God did not create dark, He created light. Dark happens when the light leaves. Dark can not overpower light because dark does not actually exist as a “thing”. Good and evil is like this. Evil was never created, Good was. Good is God. But when man rejected the goodness and light of God, man ended up in evil dark suffering (the absence of the good we rejected.
Church Gatherings
Church gatherings should consist of praise and worship, teaching, preaching, and fellowship (usually with food to share). We follow the first church examples given in the Bible. There is no separation by age, and families stay together. The church is a family of families, so we respect the head of household as the priest of the home.
The dress code is “come as you are, as you feel comfortable”. This can mean jeans, shorts, coat and tie, whatever the Spirit leads you to do.
Praise and worship is a group event, not a performance. Anyone and everyone is invited to join in as we stress the word JOYFUL in “make a joyful noise unto the Lord”.
All we ask is that everyone be respectful and keep a reverent atmosphere when appropriate.
Community Service
God’s people, and thereby His church, should be a group of service to the community. We strongly believe in going out on a regular basis and serving people in the way they most need. The goal of service is not for the server to feel good, but to actually touch the hurting and struggling to make their burden lighter. Our service opportunities have no limit, little structure. We are here to serve, whichever way we can.
Community service is not something to be done “once a year or once a quarter”. People need help every day, and God’s church should be willing to stand in the gap and share the blessing we have with anyone who has need. Jesus washed feet, so shall we.
Family Life
We strongly believe that the family is the core institution that God ordained and uses. Thereby it is even higher in order of priority than the church. The church is here to serve the families, who go out and evangelize the world.
Family life should be in the proper order, with the father as head of household and leading the family in all things, being ultimately responsible for everything that happens in the family unit. In the absence of a father, God makes arrangements to maintain order, but when the father is present it is his responsibility and we will remind him of that, and equip him with the tools to succeed.
We believe that the family life of a christian should reflect the heart, 7 days a week. This covers entertainment, finances, employment, cleanliness, relationships. friends, music, every aspect of life.
We accept the command to “be fruitful and multiple” as the first instruction given to man. Large families are often the result. While not always accepted in today’s society, this is God’s model and we respect that and submit to his design for family size.
Training a child is primarily the parents responsibility. Therefore we stress the necessity of a christian based education where the parent can be actively involved. Homeschooling is preferred, but other forms of christian education are sometimes necessary given family situations. We do not support seeing children as “missionaries” sent into the public government controlled schools. Rarely can the children survive such without lifelong consequences from such an influence.
Education itself is lifelong and should be based on the scripture principles as the basis of all wisdom.
Health is important. God’s people should be the healthiest people around! We have the instruction book that leads us into true health. “Health” itself can be defined as “the lack of need for healthcare”. Ideally God’s people live by the principles of scripture and remain healthy enough to avoid the need for healthcare. God has brought great wisdom in diet, nutrition, lifestyle, including herbs and natural substances to heal and stay healthy. We see the medical establishment as a necessary part of health, but usually a last resort. God’s people should be healthy enough to do the work and to fight the battles of the Lord.
We recognize that much common “knowledge” and “practices” recommended by the medical system are suspect and even harmful. To achieve true health a believer must live by the wisdom in the scriptures first and foremost, not blindly conforming to the wisdom of man.
Personal Relationships
Homosexuality / Gender Confusion
We believe that the scriptures are clear, alternative sexuality or gender is a sin. While we do not support the actions of homosexuality, we accept the sinner and await God to deliver them from the sin. We see the flesh as evil, and all the desires of the flesh as evil. being “born that way” is a pointless argument since we are to overcome how we were born in the name of Christ.
Divorce is a horrible violation of covenant, perhaps the worst possible. We will do all that we can to prevent any divorce, but as Moses did, we realize that sometimes due to the hardness of heart, divorce is the best outcome. However, this is only in cases of severe circumstances.
Dating as defined today is unacceptable and exceedingly dangerous. It is basically pretending to be married without commitment. Instead, we believe in courtship, where the individuals are not alone and never romantic with the opposite gender until ready to be married. Courtship is then like a job interview, exploring whether the commitment should be made. But courtship does not involve any physical intimacy at all.
We believe that in a republic such as the US, it is an obligation of each citizen to be involved in government to the extent called by God. In voting, we strongly stress the qualification of exodus 18:21 in evaluating candidates. Scripture here dictates that we vote by character, not policy nor promise. We will not dictate nor even suggest WHO to vote for, but we will focus on HOW to choose who to vote for. The ultimate decision is left to the individual and God.
We believe the bible literally on the subject of creation. The universe as we know it was created in six physically days, about 6000 years ago. This is evidenced by the chronologies and wording of scripture. The evidence said to be for evolution and the “big bang” are just as well evidence for creation and the global flood.