Simple… Serve those in need with truth and power. When needs are met, when the Spirit moves… People flock in.

In other words… Churches are built not by “church building”! If the church itself is the goal, why bother? Are there not enough social clubs? Meetinghouses? No, churches are built when members focus on the three things of ministry… Service, truth, power.

When a group of people are filled with passion for the hurting, and desire for holiness, driven with a heartfelt need to please our Creator… That is contagious! The public is hungry for truth, for power, for a new start on life. They know that what they need is deeper than fancy words, great singing, big crowds, fun, entertainment. They seek Jesus, life, and deliverance from their past. They have real needs that can only be met by God’s power and truth.

Forget about building churches… Just “feed my sheep”. If that is our focus, there are no buildings large enough for the hungry.

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