Our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit. As such, how we treat them is important. It would be unwise to turn to the world for wisdom on how to be healthy, when the world denies the very existence of the creator. Instead, the wisdom of the scriptures covers health as well as other areas of life.

Healthy living, according to scriptures, is a core mission of the church. Yes, God still performs miraculous healings, but He also expects us to do what we can to stay healthy. If a person insisted on eating ice cream, and only ice cream 3 times a day, God can not bless that person with health. The same applies to things like sodas, processed foods, artificial flavors and preservatives. The scripture is filled with principles that declare most of our modern lifestyle as “unclean”.

An example of the success of these principles and the benefit of following scripture and spirit over man, is our own son who was healed (rescued) from a life of autism. Here is his story.

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